The Saga Continues...

Well, it's been awhile, hasn't it? So much has been going on, so I hope you don't mind my time off. I will now continue where I left off! And there is so much to talk about, Mathnet wise, too.

Some very exciting things have happened, if you couldn't tell already...there's a brand new Mathnet News Group, which I hope everyone will visit. Thanks to Seanet, my ISP, this NG was started (at my strong request). So, thank you, thank you, thank you! And also to all you fans out there- your support helped me in proposing and creating this NG...I appreciate it greatly! You guys are awesome!

As the main page stated, the Episode Guide is almost done as well. There's a lot of info to add to it yet, but once I have each Episode's 'bare details', I will post it anyway; you fans can help finish it!

All right, now I'll get to the juicy Obsession! Remember, I said I was going to cover some fun topics- my 'crush' on Miles Reed, the Casebooks, and even some of the questions I've asked in the Survey! So, let me hop right to it!

Okay, I have to admit, I had (actually still do have) a crush on Miles Reed. He was just a cool cat, and his music (whether he was actually playing it or not) was pretty good. 'Somewhere over the rainbow...' I thought he was pretty handsome too. His sexy eyes drew me in...I know this sounds like I'm some teenager with raging hormones, but he was all that, trust me! I think he had a thing going on for Pat; he seemed interested in her knowledge (believe me, after seeing the 'Mystery Weekend' episode as many times as I have, I notice the little things...), and she kinda seemed to feel the same about him. Call me crazy; I am, but this is what I think. I have taken interest in the actor who played Miles- Steven Marcus. If anyone knows anything about him, or knows him personally (or whatever), tell me. I will be forever grateful. I want his autograph very badly. I will probably add a photo of him to the Pictures page, so don't be surprised. Let me know if you feel the same way about him too, ladies!

My head is out of the clouds now, don't worry! Now let me tell you about the Casebooks. I found them to be pretty good, though not exactly like the episodes they're from. Here's a run-down of the six titles currently published (with illustrations!): (I'll review them later) #1-The Case of the Unnatural; #2-Despair in Monterey Bay; #3-The Case of the Willing Parrot; #4-The Map with a Gap; #5-The Case of the Mystery Weekend (yeah!); #6-The Case of the Smart Dummy. As you can see, there are both Kate and Pat episode books. (I know how some of you are rather biased on the Kate episodes...) I really hope more will be published. I ordered mine from BookStacks Unlimited (now closed), but you can get them at as well. So, go ahead and check 'em out, I believe they cost about $3 to $4 a pop (unless you get them in Hardcover, which is quite a bit more, and not available in every title). If you have questions, just ask me. As I said, I'll review them later.

For the time being, I think this is enough to talk about. I don't want to bore you all with pages and pages of mostly text. I will try to update this again much sooner than in the past. So, do take care, and 'May the Math be with You!'

To Be Continued...

What won't this girl do, you say?

The Chief: Jill M. Sheehan
Copyright ©1996-2000 by

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